How does EmSculpt compare to CoolSculpting?

Perich Aesthetics, Tampa Bay FL


Perich Aesthetics, Tampa Bay FL 〰️

CoolSculpting has been around for awhile now, so odds are good you have heard of it before. The idea of a treatment that is cool and reduces belly fat sounds enticing, but what does it actually involve?? The lastest body contouring treatment, EmSculpt, also targets that stubborn belly fat- so what exactly is the difference between them and is one better than another?

Understanding EmSculpt and CoolSculpting


EmSculpt stands out as a cutting-edge treatment that focuses on muscle building and fat reduction simultaneously. Utilizing high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, EmSculpt induces powerful muscle contractions that are virtually impossible to achieve through voluntary exercise alone. These contractions not only build muscle but also trigger a process known as lipolysis, where fat cells break down due to the stress imposed on them.


CoolSculpting, on the other hand, employs a different approach known as cryolipolysis. This technique freezes fat cells to the point of crystallization, causing them to undergo cell death. The body then naturally eliminates these dead cells over the course of several weeks. CoolSculpting is primarily targeted at reducing localized fat deposits in specific areas.

Comparing Results


EmSculpt's unique focus on muscle building sets it apart from traditional fat reduction methods. While it does lead to some fat loss due to lipolysis, its primary advantage lies in enhancing muscle definition and tone. The treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to sculpt their abdominal muscles, buttocks, thighs, and arms.


CoolSculpting excels at targeting localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is particularly effective for areas like love handles, double chins, and inner thighs. The results are gradual and become noticeable over the course of a few months as the body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells.

Benefits and Considerations


  • Builds muscle and burns fat simultaneously.

  • Non-invasive with no downtime.

  • Can enhance muscle definition and tone.

  • Sessions are often described as feeling like an intense workout.


  • Targeted fat reduction in specific areas.

  • Non-surgical and minimal discomfort during treatment.

  • Gradual, natural-looking results.

  • No downtime, allowing for immediate return to daily activities.

Choosing the Right Treatment

Selecting the most suitable treatment depends on your individual goals and body type. EmSculpt is ideal for individuals seeking both muscle toning and fat reduction. It's an excellent choice for those who are relatively fit but struggle with stubborn fat pockets, however EmSculp does work for people with a BMI up to 35! We find this solution to be more appealing and successful for long lasting results.

CoolSculpting, on the other hand, is perfect for people primarily focused on spot fat reduction. If you have specific areas of concern and want a non-invasive alternative to liposuction, CoolSculpting could be the right choice.

Both EmSculpt and CoolSculpting offer innovative solutions for achieving the body you desire without undergoing surgery. EmSculpt emphasizes muscle building alongside fat reduction, making it a go-to for those aiming to enhance muscle tone. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, effectively targets localized fat deposits in specific areas.

When making your decision, consult with a qualified medical professional who can assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment for you. Whether you're aiming for sculpted muscles or targeted fat reduction, the advancements in non-invasive body contouring ensure that you have options to achieve your goals.

We would love to help you out here at Perich Aesthetics meet your whole body goals. Feel free to call us today at 727-777-2640 to schedule your consultation and see how you can start seeing results sooner than you may think!


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