Is Sculptra better than fillers?


Sculptra® fights wrinkles and sagging skin and reduces fine lines for a more youthful appearance. Yes fillers can do the same thing- so what is the difference between Sculptra® and fillers? What makes Sculptra® better than fillers? How does Sculptra® work? Sculptra® is one of our favorite products here at Perich Aesthetics, and after reading this we think you just might have to agree with us too!

How is Sculptra® different than fillers?

Sculptra® stimulates the body to produce its own type 1 collagen over time, giving you a permanent result, unlike filler which completely dissolves over time. Sculptra® is an injectable FDA-approved dermal filler for wrinkles and folds on the face that provides a younger appearance. The main ingredient in Sculptra® is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). It’s classified as a collagen stimulator that provides long-lasting, natural-looking results that can last up to two years.

This PLLA component stimulates your bodies natural production of collagen to increase. This is how Sculptra® works. This also means you will notice results that build over the following weeks after your treatment in a natural way that is less obvious to others. Many of the other fillers such as Botox are easier to spot right after someone has had a treatment- there is a certain stiffness to their face.

With Sculptra®, you will see an improvement but you will also reap the benefits of long term collagen production. Due to the nature of aging, it is recommended to repeat Sculptra® injections once per year to maintain the best results and continue to have the body produce more collagen than it would on its own.

If my body already produces collagen, why do I need a treatment to boost its production?

Your body does naturally produce collagen, but its production decreases with age. Starting in your mid-20s, you slowly begin to lose collagen. Unfortunately, women can lose up to 30% of their collagen in the first 5 years of menopause! Think of a treatment like “tricking” your body into producing more collagen than it would on its own.

What is collagen exactly?

Collagen is called the “fountain of youth” as it keeps your skin from sagging, giving it a glow and youthful look. Collagen is the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cells and tissue. Collagen is found in our skin, hair, nails, blood- it’s everywhere! As a key structural protein, collagen is the reason our skin has elasticity and our joints are healthy by binding tissue in the body. The word collagen actually comes from the Greek word “kólla” which means glue and collagen is often referred to the body’s glue or scaffolding.

What is Sculptra® good for?

In addition to stimulating the production of collagen, Sculptra® enhances skin tone & texture and improves skin health. Sculptra® can help with hollow cheeks and mid-face reconstruction as it restores the fullness in the areas treated and maintains it with that boost in collagen production. Sculptra® can be used to treat many areas. The conventional areas to treat are:

  • Droopy eyebrows

  • Crows feet

  • Frown lines

  • Lip lines

  • Forehead crease

  • & under eye wrinkles

Sculptra® has many off-label uses, including nonsurgical butt lift or buttock augmentation, correction of cellulite, creating definition, and the look of extra muscle mass on the glutes, thighs, biceps, triceps, pectorals. In using Sculptra® in these areas, you can get that extra volume in a natural look without the tightness you may find with an implant or filler.

What is interesting, is that Sculptra® is actually NOT a good treatment choice for the lips. This area should have other treatment options considered, which we would be happy to go over with you.


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