60s and beyond! What cosmetic procedures are best for mature skin


First and foremost, we want you to know, that you are fabulous just the way you are! Mature and wise is the way to be. We do understand that with all that wisdom comes time that does effect your skin. Taking care of yourself and living your best life is one of the most admirable things you can do. Heck- it’s not all about looking young, it’s about maintaining and feeling good in your skin. We understand there is a difference and we are happy to work with you to find your best options to radiate in and out!

Let’s go over some fabulous treatments to consider that can simply do some fine tuning to a complete overhaul:

  • FaceTite
    FaceTite is an alternative to a traditional facelift that uses radio frequency (RF) technology to contour the face and boost collagen production in the skin. It simultaneously melts the fat while tightening the skin giving quick results in about an hour! By targeting fat and tightening loose skin, FaceTite treatment is a great option for a tighter, smoother face and youthful radiance. This treatment is also fabulous for the neck area where double chin or sagging jowls can cause an aged appearance.

  • AcuTite
    Yes, AccuTite is similar to FaceTite, however it targets the smaller, detailed areas on your face like puffy lower eyelids, issues at the brows, upper eyelids, laugh lines, smile lines, or neck. AccuTite also uses the radio frequency technology to contour and boost the collagen production. If you are self conscious about any of these smaller areas specifically, then AccuTite would be a great treatment to consider.

  • Periocular CO2 Resurfacing
    This procedure can reduce wrinkles, clear up sun spots, and even smooth out your skin texture. It also helps to boost the production of collagen giving you better skin tone and long-lasting results. Your skin is treated with a matrix of laser light points that vary in intensity, depending on your skin type and desired treatment results. Laser skin resurfacing gives spectacular results and it is the key to complete facial rejuvenation. Dr. Tanya Perich from Perich Aesthetics, experienced in laser skin resurfacing, says that this is a very popular option in Florida as more and more patients want to treat the skin tone issues, pigmentation issues and damages caused by Florida sun. This treatment truly is one of the best non-invasive treatments that can have a big impact in a short amount of time.

  • Retinol
    We are guessing you may have already dabble (or full on adore!) retinol. If you are new to retinol, it is a derivative of Vitamin A that helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and even acne. Retinol is something everyone should be using at this point as a regular part of your skin care routine. It is best used at night and should be something you start off by using once a week and build up to multiple days (potentially every night) as your skin adjusts to it. Retinol really helps to maintain your appearance while helping to slow the aging process for your face.

  • Vitamin C serum
    A Vitamin C Serum is another product that can really aid in the rejuvenation of the skin. Vitamin C helps to neutralize free radicals as it is a powerful antioxidant. These free radicals occur when our bodies are exposed to certain conditions- like smoking and too much sun exposure. As humans, we do not actually have the ability to produce vitamin C on our own, therefore it is very useful to get a good daily dose of it through our foods but to also reap the benefits of using it topically.

  • Hydration
    OK yes- you have heard it many times before, drink lots of water each and every day. But why is this so important, especially as we age? As our bodies go through changes while aging, older adults tend to have less water maintained in their bodies than younger adults and children. Dehydration therefore is easier to occur and can have effects on just about every part of your body. Typically, your kidneys and liver will suffer the most, but you will also notice the effects on your skin. Drinking lots of water keeps your skin fresh and hydrated, helping to maintain its elasticity. This hydration for your skin will help slow the signs of aging like lines and wrinkles and will help you heal scars quicker. If drinking the recommended 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day is a struggle, try eating food high in water like celery and watermelon- but do be careful to not consume too much sugar from the fruits like watermelon daily.

  • KYBELLA® for that stubborn double chin
    This newer treatment is a really cool option if you have been struggling with a double chin that just will not go away despite all your attempts. KYBELLA® is a prescription medicine that is administered as a series of injections to the treatment area under the chin, destroying fat cells and producing gradual results. This FDA approved treatment is fast to do with minimal discomfort. The medicine will work over the next few weeks after your first treatment. This means it will be less obvious instantly, so your friends and family will have no clue you even had something done but those before and after photos will look marvelous!

  • PRP Injections for hair loss
    This is an amazing procedure for anyone with a receding hair line, bald spot, or noticing of thinning hair. Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP, for hair restoration is an innovative therapy that involves your own blood by-product to stimulate new hair follicles to grow and improve hair condition, color and volume. This PRP treatment is used to accelerate healing of the scalp that helps restore hair growth. The PRP is rich in the growth factors which stimulate the growth of both existing and new hair follicles to regrow new, healthy hair. Healthy adults who are looking for a more natural way to improve their hair loss are fantastic candidates to consider this route!

Are there more options on treatments for you to consider? Absolutely! Your best bet is to schedule a consultation with an experienced doctor like Dr. Perich here at Perich Aesthetics, who can tailor your treatment to meet your specific wants and needs to ensure you are getting the best possible experience for you!


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