How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Around the Mouth?

You have a gorgeous smile that has aged with years of experience that now you would love to maybe just soften a bit… or maybe more than a bit! Wrinkles and folds around your mouth can be a tell tale sign of a life well lived but there are ways to minimize those signs yet stay looking natural and fresh. One of our favorite options to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth is called Radiesse.

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a trusted dermal filler that is specifically for moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds in the lower face and can also be used for your hands. The results are natural looking while providing an instant lift and definition which can last for a year or more. Radiesse also helps to stimulate the collagen production in the area. The unique formula of Radiesse produces a lift below deep wrinkles, lines, and folds that looks natural and fresh.

If you are noticing laugh lines, smile lines, lines under your mouth, around the corners of your mouth, and even in the chin area, Radiesse is a great option for you to consider. Think of Radiesse as a more sophisticated version of Botox- also a dermal filler but with the added punch of boosting collagen for lasting natural looking results. The results with Radiesse are not stiff which means unless you decide to brag on your newfound friend, no one will ever know!

How does Radiesse work?

Radiesse is a dermal filler that is FDA-approved that shows results in your first treatment by adding fullness and volume to your face right away. It is injected directly into the skin at the site of concern. This procedure is very quick and can be done on your lunch hour.

Radiesse is made up of a natural material called Calcium Hydroxylapatite that is contained in a water based gel carrier. This material plumps the area that it is injected into which smooths out the wrinkles above. Due to the special formula of Radiesse, what is really cool is that it then stimulates the collagen production at the site. This means the results will last longer as your body produces a boost of collagen that keeps the skin healthy and plump.

How long does Radiesse last?

Each person can have a different experience with any dermal filler used. That being said, most patients will see the results lasting at least 6 months, many for a year, and even some seeing an improvement for as long as 30 months after their last injections. It is important to note, that Radiesse will not correct the underlying problems causing the wrinkles or folds.

How to get rid of wrinkles on hands?

Radiesse is actually able to be used for the backs of your hands as well. If you have noticed that your hands have lost their fullness and now have wrinkles, Radiesse can be injected here to plump them up and diminish the wrinkles. The results are a minimizing of the veins and tendons to give a more youthful appearance.

What are people saying about Radiesse?

Our clients are very happy with their natural results! Jackie says:

“I just love how natural-looking my results are.”

Glenys said:

“I love my lift and the definition I gained in my lower face.”

And Debra said:

“I just feel like me, just lifted in the lower face and more defined.”

If you are interested in learning to see if Radiesse is the right choice to get rid of your wrinkles around your mouth or on your hands, then give us a call today to set up an appointment!


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