What Does a Brow Lift Do?

As we age, the brow area can begin to sag and appear heavy, casting a shadow over the eyes and creating the impression of anger, sadness, or exhaustion. This often ages us beyond our actual years or beyond what we want to look like! For some people, there is a loss of expression when you communicate due to this. A brow lift can make you look more youthful, vibrant and help you better express your emotions.

Sometimes called a forehead lift or eyebrow lift, a brow lift raises or reduces the skin above your eyebrows. If you have noticed a heaviness in this area after gravity has had its affects on you over the years, a brow lift can help to lighten that load and give you a visibly younger appearance.

Brow lifts have a variety of benefits. A brow lift can elevate and reposition the brow line along the natural brow ridge. This helps to restore a youthful arch to the eyebrows. In addition, a brow lift can reduce the appearance of sagging upper eyelids. What’s a really cool benefit that you might find unexpected of a brow lift is the improvement of the appearance of “crow's feet” wrinkles at the corner of the eyes.

How long does a brow lift last?

A brow lift will last anywhere from 10-12 years generally speaking! Of course for some this could be longer, possibly shorter, due to things like lifestyle and healthy eating that can effect your body as a whole. Stress is also a factor that can bring back signs of agin faster than you may like. How you take care of your face with proper skincare is also an important factor to the longevity of your brow lift.

How does a brow lift work?

With a brow lift, sometimes called a forehead lift, the surgeon removes excess tissue from the forehead and around the eyes. Then, he or she adjusts the forehead muscles to create a smoother, more youthful profile free of deep wrinkles and loose skin.

Some brow lifts can be done endoscopically with tiny incisions and instruments. Other surgeries require traditional incisions, either behind your hairline or at the top of your forehead, depending on your aesthetic goals for the procedure.

This outpatient surgery is done under either IV sedation and local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Often, clients decide to combine a forehead lift with eyelid surgery or other facial procedures. Eyelid surgeries are the most common combination either for the upper eyelid or the lower eyelid which we are very experienced in doing here at Perich Aesthetics. If you want to learn more about Upper or Lower Eyelid Lifts, check out this page here.

Who is a good candidate for a brow lift?

Some people have a naturally heavy brow that sags over the eyes as we age. Brow lifts can boost your self-confidence by creating a brighter, more alert, and more approachable appearance. This procedure can also correct an uneven brow for a more pleasing contour. Anyone who is bothered by the appearance of their eyebrow and/or forehead area in regards to having excess skin that is sagging creating a tired look may want to consider a brow lift.

Clients should be in good health and have realistic expectations for the brow lift procedure. If you smoke, you must quit for several weeks before the procedure and during the recovery period. You must also avoid medications that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs. Often, clients who have this procedure find that they have a more awake, youthful appearance.

What should I expect during recovery from a brow lift?

After this procedure, you may feel some tightness or discomfort, but recovery is rarely painful. However, you should arrange to have someone drive you home and stay with you for the first night after the surgery. This is the same as any other time you may need to have any anesthesia. You will feel just a bit off or out of it as the medication wears off over the next 24 hours. Applying cold compresses, elevating your head, and taking over the counter pain medication as directed can resolve your discomfort in the first few days.

Most clients experience some bruising and swelling in the area, which should resolve within 10 days to two weeks. Clients can typically return to work after about a week and resume exercise and more vigorous activities within two to four weeks. Protecting your skin from sun damage by using a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 whenever you go outside can help preserve the results of your surgery.


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