How Can I Tone My Butt and Thigh Area?

Perich Aesthetics, Tampa Bay FL


Perich Aesthetics, Tampa Bay FL 〰️

With bikini season upon us, you may be wondering how you can tone up those tough areas like your butt and thighs. We get it! Try as you may those are some of the tough areas to finally get to where you want. Rest assured you are not alone and we have a treatment that can really make improvements that you have been looking for!

What treatment will tone my butt and/or thighs?

Welcome to Emtone! An amazing new treatment option that can target those stubborn areas and the cellulite there as well. EMTONE is the first device to treat all types of cellulite (edematous, flaccid and compact). Most cellulite treatments focus on just one aspect of what causes cellulite, yet it is a multi-factorial problem.

Enlarged fat chambers, rigid collagen fibers, poor blood flow, loss of skin elasticity and metabolic waste accumulation all play in part in the appearance of fat cells under the skin. EMTONE addresses all of these concerns, evening out the deposits that cause dimpling. It simultaneously emits thermal energy and acoustic energy to disrupt and stimulate the skin, allowing collagen to undergo structural changes. New collagen continues to be produced for several months, leading to continued improvement in skin texture, laxity and the appearance of cellulite.

Combining both radiofrequency and acoustic wave technology EMTONE for cellulite uses a targeted approach to fight all types and grades of cellulite. EMTONE combines several state-of-the-art technologies to provide stunning, long-lasting results. It is the only cellulite treatment that uses both thermal energy and mechanical energy to treat multiple causes of cellulite while improving skin tone and texture.

This treatment is non-invasive, has no downtime, and requires no anesthesia during treatment.

EMTONE® is a safe and effective treatment option for all skin and body types.

What areas can be treated with EMTONE?

Treatment can be conducted anywhere on the body including:

  • Abdomen

  • Arms

  • Buttocks

  • Knees

  • Love handles

  • Thighs

What can I expect during EMTONE treatment?

A single EMTONE treatment generally takes no longer than 30 minutes but will depend on the area being treated.

Before treatment, an ointment is applied to protect the skin and help guide the handpiece gently across your skin throughout treatment. During treatment, you may hear a soft tapping sound from the targeted pressure energy and feel a slight warming sensation. At no point should the handpiece feel hot, most patients compare the treatment to a hot stone massage.

After treatment, the lotion will be wiped off and the area cleansed. The treated area may appear pink or reddish from treatment but should subside within an hour.

When do I see the results after EMTONE treatment?

Some patients do report seeing results with a single treatment session with results continuing to improve over the next few months. EMTONE activates your body's natural collagen formation capabilities. It doesn't produce immediate results as the work is done naturally by the body after the procedure. Results will become apparent over several weeks and the final results should be apparent within 12 weeks.

How long does the results last?

Science hasn't yet delivered a permanent way to get rid of cellulite, so as with other treatment options, EMTONE results aren't permanent. Everyone's body is different, but doctors recommend follow-up treatment sessions every 3–12 months, to maintain smoothness.

Ready to see if EMTONE is right for you? Call us today at 727-777-2640 to learn more!



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