Should Guys do Skincare?

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Simply put, YES! Men, your skin is just as important to take care of. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. However there are a few things you should absolutely be doing, especially living in Florida. Taking care of your skin not only will help slow the aging process, but also means helping to prevent the possibility of skin cancer- which knows no gender! Great hydration and protection are musts to maintain healthy, happy skin.

  1. Wash your face with a facial cleanser (& not your body wash!)
    The skin on our face is more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body and is typically exposed to the elements far more than any other part. It is important to was your face for a good 30 seconds with a cleanser that is specifically for your face. You may already be doing this, maybe even using your partners cleanser cuz, well, its there! But do make sure you are using one that addresses your own face needs and not someone else’s! There are different products for oily or dry skin, and even for blackheads or acne. Some cleansers are more general and that is okay, but just make sure to check the label.

  2. Use a quality moisturizer
    Again, you don’t just want to use a body lotion or hand cream on your face. This can clog your pours and can even break you out. If you are prone to shine and oil, there are moisturizers just for that. Here at Perich Aesthetics, we are big fans of the Solo Hydrating Defense from Skin Better Science. This once a day cream is specifically engineered for men to enhance the level of antioxidant defense against the environmental stressors of modern life. It’s lightweight formula that glides on smooth and absorbs quickly, improves the appearance of the skin visibly in a short amount of time with daily use. You do want to use this, or any other moisturizer after shaving to reap the most benefits.

  3. Apply a quality sunscreen
    Ok, we are guessing you probably already knew this was a good idea. Living in Florida means having sunscreen in your pocket at all times! Hats and sunglasses are a must too, however are you using sunscreen daily on your face? Sun damage is one of the fastest ways to age yourself resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, and potentially even cancer. The thing is, not all sunscreen is the same, and different ingredients can make a huge difference. Regular sunscreen meant for the body is generally never a good idea for your face unless you are already out on the water and have no other option.
    What you want to look for is a sunscreen that is titanium and zinc based. One of the most important things is that the ingredients be a physical blocker rather than a chemical that absorbs into your skin and then are found to have measurable levels in your blood. These chemicals that absorb are the same ones that are also causing our coral reefs to die! What do you think the long term effect is when you use them on your own skin?! Truth is we don’t actually know, but if something is killing the coral reef, I probably don’t want it on my body and measurable in my blood!
    So what does that mean? Well, using a mineral sunscreen with natural ingredients titanium and zinc, help to form a protective barrier on the skin that reflects the harmful sun rays. Think of this like applying a mirror coating to your face that bounces the UV rays right back off. Actually, the FDA currently only recommends using sunscreens that are zinc or titanium based as safe and effective. So make sure you check those labels before you swipe your card to buy that sunscreen.

  4. Follow the 80/20 rule when eating: 80% healthy, nutritious foods vs 20% indulgence of junk
    Oh yes, what you eat effects your skin! You know a six-pack is made in the kitchen and frankly healthy, happy skin comes from what you feed your body too. A diet high in antioxidants is beneficial for your entire body and health. Similarly, eating organic whenever possible helps to reduce pesticide exposure. These chemicals are converted by our livers and are a significant part of the reason why men are having lower testosterone ratio relative to the estrogen in their body. The result? You gain weight in your abdominal area. Yup, consuming unknown pesticides on otherwise seemingly healthy foods can kill those six-pack dreams. Overall, you want to stick with 80% of the time consuming foods that are great for your health but maybe not as great to your tastebuds. Then, 20% of the time feel free to bing out on those things we all know are not packing a punch on the health scale!

Okay, that’s where you start. Not too crazy right?! Are there aesthetic procedures available to help turn back time without everyone having to know? Absolutely. Dermal fillers like Botox can smooth fine lines and wrinkles or facial rejuvenation procedures like Candela CO2RE® Laser can enhance skin tone and texture through skin resurfacing. Sunspots can also be a big concern that men should have looked at by an experienced doctor to address and clear up preventing further problems. Contact us today to have Dr. Perich take a look at your specific skin needs and feel refreshed knowing you are in the best hands!


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