What is Collagen?

Photo by karelys Ruiz on Unsplash

Collagen has been making more and more headlines these days, with all sorts of ways to get more in your life. What the heck is it and do you really need a pill or powder to get more of it? Why is it so important? Wait- I though our bodies already made collagen, so what’s the big deal? Let’s go through all the things so you can understand and then make the best choices for yourself.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a structural protein that makes up between 25-35% of the bodies protein as a whole. It is actually the most abundant and powerful protein in the body. Collagen is found in our skin, hair, nails, blood- it’s everywhere! As a key structural protein, collagen is the reason our skin has elasticity and our joints are healthy by binding tissue in the body. The word collagen actually comes from the Greek word “kólla” which means glue and collagen is often referred to the body’s glue or scaffolding.

Ok, so why do I need more of it?

As we age, our production of collagen can decrease. Our bodies break down collagen faster than we can produce it. Environmental aspects can also play a role, like smoking and too much sun exposure. A diet high in sugars and carbs can also inhibit the bodies production of collagen.

Boosting the production of collagen our body is making naturally can have lasting effects on our appearance and can help to maintain the healthy joints and muscles we have. Additionally, there are foods that contain collagen that can help. Utilizing the combination of boosting and consuming will help us age gracefully rather than rapidly.

Collagen in foods:

One of the best ways to consume additional collagen is through food sources that already contain it, rather than taking supplements. Most animal meats and skins contain collagen. Bone broth is an easy source that is readily available. You can heat it up with some rice or make a chicken soup. It has been used for years as a warm beverage when sick to regain energy and health.

What is more important is fueling your body with the ingredients needed to help in the production of collagen. Even at a young age, if your body is not getting what it needs to be able to produce more, it will have a very hard time keeping up. There are two amino-acids that make up procollagen- the first step in creating collagen, which are glycine and proline. You also need vitamin C to aid in this production.

Eating foods like eggs, asparagus, and mushrooms have higher proline, while protein foods like chicken and pork help with glycine. Unsurprisingly, a whole food diet that keeps everything in moderation with lots of vegetables, low added sugar, and an emphasis on avoiding the processed, fried, or chemical added foods is your best bet. Quality proteins are key in giving your body what it needs to thrive.

What about supplements?

Supplements can be tricky! They can be useful in aiding your diet and production but knowing the quality can be difficult. You really need to do your research on the brands and specific products to understand just what you are putting in your body. The market is flooded with everything from coffee creamers, to powders, and of course pills. If you choose to add a supplement in, just keep an eye out for any changes in your body that may not be wanted and truly make sure to do your research on the product itself. As always, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is!

Are there any procedures that can help boost the production of collagen?

Yes! That is where we come in here at Perich Aesthetics. There are actually a whole slew of options that can help boost the production of collagen over the long term to show lasting results for months. Non-surgical facelifts, laser skin resurfacing, and derma fillers can all help the body stimulate the production of its own collagen.

One of our favorite products is called Sculptra®. It is an injectable FDA-approved dermal filler for wrinkles and folds on the face that provides a younger appearance. It contains PLLA, which acts as a collagen stimulator, helping to gradually restore fullness to facial wrinkles and folds. This results in a softer and more youthful appearance.

You have a lot of options, but making the choices alone can be very frustrating and overwhelming. We would be happy to go over your specific concerns and help guide you in making the best possible choices for your unique experience. Feel free to contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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