Is High End Skincare Better than Drugstore?

Image from SkinBetter Science

Image from SkinBetter Science

You can buy skincare products everywhere these days, but what is the difference with spending more money vs just picking something up from CVS? Does it really make that much of a difference to buy higher quality and higher priced skincare? Are there some products that I should really save up for and others I can skirt by on? Let’s dive into the crowded and loud world of skincare to find out!

Let’s talk ingredients:

What is really interesting, is that you may find similar or even the same ingredients in drug store products and the high end skincare. However, what is not as apparent is not only the quality of those ingredients but also the concentration of them. Think of this like the different percentages of milk- you can buy skim milk with the lowest fat, 2% milk with a little more, or whole milk with nothing extra removed from the milk itself. The drug store products are like the skim milk, yes the base is there but its much, much less resulting in a thinner more diluted product. The high end products give you all the quality ingredients in high concentrations, which give you the best possible results from using the products.

Now wether you prefer skim to whole milk is not the same as it translates to skincare. These ingredients really do need to be in these high concentrations to actually penetrate your skin deep enough to make a difference. At lower concentrations, they can simply be superficial as they will not absorb deep in the skin to reap the benefits that they can sow. 15% vs 5% of anything will yield in better results, especially long term. Retinol is a great example as a widely available product that is much more effective at the 15% let’s say, over the 5%. The lower concentration will give you some of the benefits and can be a great place to start , however upgrading to a high quality retinol will truly give you the long term results of slowing the aging process more effectively.

If you have ever seen someone who looks much younger than their age, it could be to that they have been using these higher quality products starting at a younger age thus reaping the benefits sooner and longer. We always recommend as early as your 20s to invest in the better products to maintain that youthful appearance. That doesn’t mean it is ever to late to start using the best products for your skin’s needs. Just that, if you have a younger women in your life, chat with them about the importance to start now, so they can maintain what they have!

Does price equal a better product?

Not necessarily. Spending on the higher priced product at the drug store or department store can get you better ingredients, however what can be uncertain is how long the product has sit before you acquire it. The temperature which the product has been stored at can make a big difference- just think, the warehouses, shipping trucks, and even stores can have large flux in temperature that can compromise the ingredients. In mass production, the factories are also less stringent than the smaller high quality, high standards you will find in specialized skincare that is sold at your doctor’s office. With products brought into our office here at Perich Aesthetics, there is less middle men, less money spent on advertising, equaling a lower price on the highest quality possible.

Also remember, that when you use a high quality product, you often do not need to use a huge amount of it each time. This means the product will last you longer and you will be buying it less frequently. When you do the math on how often you need to spend the more money, you may be surprised at the results. Yes, it will still be more but maybe not as much as it initially appears! Plus the results will be so much better.

Bottom line, high end is higher quality meaning better results

Preventing aging can be much more effective than attempting to reverse it. When you invest in your skincare, you invest in your skin’s longevity. Yes you will still age but you will be more vibrate and more confident with this beautiful skin. What’s more, if you come in for a consultation with us, we can tailor to your exact skincare needs to ensure the optimal results for you specifically. The skincare world can be very overwhelming to the point of buying nothing new. Take the pressure away and consult with a specialist who studies and practices this everyday. Contact us for your appointment to a more healthy, radiant face today!


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