Hair Loss: Why PRP injections may be your best choice!

Have you noticed your hair is thinning? Or maybe you have a bald spot appearing? Or frustrated with lots of greys? The good news is, there is something you can do about it! Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, for hair restoration is an innovative therapy that involves your own blood by-product to stimulate new hair follicles to grow and improve hair condition, color and volume. This PRP treatment is used to accelerate healing of the scalp that helps restore hair growth.

Wait…plasma? Isn’t that what they used to make TV’s a few years back? Yes, but this is different! Plasma is part of your blood that is made up of special proteins and water that let the platelets move through your bloodstream with ease. These platelets are super important as they allow the blood to clot and heal you with growth factors. The PRP is rich in these growth factors which stimulate the growth of both existing and new hair follicles to regrow new, healthy hair. Although more research is needed to determine exactly why PRP works so well for hair loss, experts theorize that the same plasma cell proliferation that promotes wound healing can stimulate the hair follicles and improve circulation to the scalp, thus facilitating hair growth and pigment.

To get these platelets, your Doctor draws your blood and extracts the plasma (the PRP) with a special medical device called a centrifuge. Think of it like a tilt-a-whirl for your blood where its spinning all around and getting dizzy, which causes things to separate (you know, like at a fair or amusement park and your lunch threatens to leave your body during the ride!) The spinning motion of the centrifuge separates the platelet-rich plasma from the other blood components.

This PRP is then injected at the area of concern on your scalp, thus giving that specific area a boost of your own natural healing and growth powers. Remember, this is not a foreign substance being put into your body, but rather your own platelet-rich plasma that was separated from your own blood! Therefore, there is no worry about putting something new into your body, although you may have some tenderness at the injection site initially after the treatment- just like the soreness at the site of pulling the blood from your arm. Generally you do not want to wash the area for the following 48 hours, however you can typically return to your daily life with no problems. You should have something to eat prior to the treatment since blood is being drawn.

The whole process takes about 30-60mins in office per treatment. Most people who opt for PRP require three treatments about four to six weeks apart to see the full results they are looking for. Additional PRP therapy may be required for severe hair loss. To keep this amazing new look staying strong, follow up treatments may be recommended every 4-6 months.

PRP injections are only something you should get from a licensed doctor, like Dr. Perich. She can assist you in figuring out if this “home-grown” treatment is right for you! Patients on any blood thinners are not ideal clients as the blood is already under so much stress. Those who smoke are also not advised for this treatment. Healthy adults who are looking for a more natural way to improve their hair loss are fantastic candidates to consider this route!


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